Due to copyright law recording any portion of the video stream is not allowed. Anyone violating these terms will be prosecuted to the extent of the law.
Will you be streaming all of the performance and award ceremonies?
Yes we will be streaming the entire event.
Why is the video starting and stopping frequently?
This is most likely due to a slow internet connection or the device you are using is old & can’t stream video very well. Try a different device and/or a different connection to the internet.
I can see the stream but the image is fuzzy/soft, how do I make it look better?
YouTube guesses at the best resolution for the device you are using, if you the video is low in quality you can try a higher resolution. On a computer click the symbol that looks like a gear in the lower right of the viewer. On mobile devices it can vary, look for three dots in row and click them, somewhere you can pick a different resolution try 720p or 1080p. Slow internet and/or device can also be the cause of a low quality stream.
When I click the link it says I don’t have permission to view the stream. Why not?
You are not logged into YouTube or you are logged in with a different account. Make sure you are logged into YouTube with the email linked to your YouTube account that you provided to Youth in Music.